My work is to help you identify your needs and wants based on what you find meaningful, and value the most. Instead of meeting the demands of work and others, I emphasize the need to focus attention on what energizes, and how to structure your time and attention accordingly. You can have the life you want, you just need to be clear in your mind what needs to change, what is most important, and what needs to take a back seat. This is your life - care for it with the value and worth it truly deserves.
Counseling can be a short term or long term project. You are the boss of your therapy, I will work for you. Commit to taking care of your heart and mind the way you would your body if it didn't feel well. Life is better that way.
ServicesFeeling isolated, socially disconnected, not sure who to call? Try a therapy group. Therapy groups are a unique and valuable opportunity to explore who you are when with others. We all grow up within a culture, a society, institutions (like schools, girl scouts, soccer teams, and the like), and families. We do not exist in isolation as we sometimes do in our thoughts. Explore how you see yourself from inside while also how others see you from the outside. This can be immensely helpful in better understanding who you are in the context in which we all live.
I offer groups for women, and for parents. I can also recommend other groups to meet your needs. The northern california group psychotherapy society also offers an extensive list of therapy groups in the greater bay area.Additional Servicesadults and couples needing to love life again