psychotherapy + medications
Bentonville, AR 72712
Gerald Stein, M.D.
Dr. Gerald Stein specializes as a psychiatrist in Bentonville, Arkansas (AR), providing high quality psychotherapy. Gerald Stein has extensive education and background evaluating and treating emotional and behavioral issues such as PTSD, the feeling of underperformance in life, mood disorders, depression, and interpersonal relationship struggles. Dr. Stein was awarded the National Professional of the year in psychiatry in 2008. He treats individual adults with a combination of therapy and medications as needed.
Although Gerald Stein will prescribe medicine to individuals in need, he encourages his patients seeking a psychiatrist in Bentonville, Arkansas (AR) to heal and overcome their obstacles outside of medication. Dr. Stein forms a partnership with his patients and offers a trustworthy, supportive atmosphere to help them grow and reach their full potential.
Dr. Gerald Stein is located at 5311 Village Parkway, Rogers, AR and at 645 CR 235, Eureka Springs, AR. For a psychiatrist in Bentonville, Arkansas (AR) please contact Dr. Gerald Stein today.
Primary Specialty