Denise Edmiston provides acupuncture in Coppell, Texas (TX) at her acupuncture office, Points For Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Denise Edmiston's goal is to restore her clients health through personalized patient-centered care, creating treatment plans tailor fit for each individual. Points for Health Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine incorporates acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to treat a variety of health issues such as pain, stress, anxiety, and depression. Denise strives to provide all her clients seeking acupuncture in Coppell, Texas (TX) excellent outcomes and lasting solutions by restoring clients physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
Denise Edmiston offers acupuncture in Coppell, Texas (TX) to clients seeking to restore their health and well-being. Points for Health Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, is a very calming, yet professional environment where patients can find solutions to their pain and stress. Denise can help with specific women's health issues such as PMS, menopause, and post-partum depression. She also offers cosmetic acupuncture, which is a combination of massage and acupuncture, to rejuvenate collagen and create a more youthful, healthy look.
ServicesDenise Edmiston offers her clients acupuncture in Coppell, Texas (TX) and helps create balance between the human, environment, mind and spirit. she provides nutritional counseling to patients, using whole food nutrition and supplements. Patients visiting the acupuncture office, Points For Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, can also seek relief from Psycho-emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. She pays special attention to the individual needs of each person, creating an acupuncture and health plan to restore the bodys balance. Call Points For Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine in Coppell, Texas (TX) today and receive a free fifteen minute consultation to begin your path to optimal health and wellness.
Denise Edminston is amazing!!! Very knowledgeable and very attentive to your concerns. I am a Mutiple Sclerosis patient and she has helped me feel so much better. You can trust her today.