As many people already know massage helps to relieve stress and tension but what alot of people dont know is that massage benefits are so great that massage as been accepted in many physican office and rehabilitation program. Massage therapy has proven beneficial for many conditions such as neck and shoulder pain, back pain, fatigue, depression, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressue, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, tmj and much more. At Relaxing Effects your massage may include relaxation elements but our work includes techniques that are used for chronic complaints and injuries. Here at Relaxing Effects we like to educate and give you the basic knowledge you need to discover the wonderful benefits of massage With massage therapy being one of America's fastest growing fields, here at Relaxing Effects we want you to know that massage is not just for luxury it is a necessity, a wonderful way to extend your health care and learn therapy for life.
Years In Practice22
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationAmerican Professional Insitute in A & P, Medical Terminology, Pathlogy, Bookkeeping, Eithics, Soap Notes
TrainingSwedish, Hot stone, Body Wraps, Neuromuscular, MET, Hydrotherapy, Cryotherapy, Pregnancy, Aromatherapy, Sports Massage
CertificationOrthopredic Massage, Medication and Massage