Our practice is devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile. We practice conservative dentistry where we believe in preservation of tooth. Your natural tooth enamel is considered the hardest mineral substance in your body, even stronger than bone. Once it is removed, it cannot be replaced with anything as long-lasting. We take considerable care to evaluate restoration options before recommending major dental procedures such as root canal or full crown restoration. Combined with state-of-the-art procedures, we believe our practice approach will result in beautiful, long lasting smiles!
Primary Specialty
EducationColumbia University College of Dental Medicine
ServicesBuilding a foundation of trust by treating our patients as special individuals is vital to our success. We understand how uneasy some patients may feel about their dental visits, and how we can make a difference in providing a relaxing and positive experience. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with excellent, personalized care and service to make your visits as comfortable and pleasant as possible. Should a dental emergency occur, we make every effort to see and care for you as soon as possible.