ServicesPeabody Health Care Center is listed as a retirement community in North Manchester, IN.
Contact Peabody Health Care Center to discuss your retirement living needs in the North Manchester, IN area at (260) 982-8616 or schedule an appointment to visit the facility located at 400 West 7th Street, North Manchester, IN 46962.
The most dangerous facility in Indiana - cares more about decor than healthcare. Decor deceives one to believe they care about residents and want to correct mistakes, but they have no interest in changing. State board of health visits MONTHLY to investigate complaints (this is a sign of big problems!). Rated two out of five Medicare stars for years & years for a reason (; nursing home compare section). Turnover so bad that they can't staff shifts (also an old problem; does a staffing boost just before annual state survey every fall). Routinely falsifies health records to cover errors. Actually turns up heating system in winter and fills linen closets when State visits. Nurses don't respect CNAs and CNAs avoid contact with nurses. Nurses don't contact family when medical problems occur. Our doctors actually told us to move our loved one after repeated orders for meds, labwork and tests went unfulfilled. Most Peabody staff wouldn't place there family there. Don't let appearances fool you - AVOID PEABODY!!!