Serving the community since 1991, we offer reliable medical care with friendly, professional staff with years of experience in this area. We accept most insurance and if you don't have insurance, no problem! We offer self pay discounts for payment at the time of service. With a broad range of services ranging from physicals to urgent care to primary care, we are here for your medical and health care needs!
Do you have an acute injury that needs immediate medical attention and you do not want to wait for an appointment or spend hours waiting at the emergency room? Do you need a DOT physical completed for a job? Do you need a primary care doctor to help monitor your high blood pressure? We are here for you and provide the care and support you need!
Self-pay or no insurance? No worries! VMAC will give you a 30% discount off usual and customary charges! (Payment by cash or credit card only.)
Our office hours are 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Primary Specialty
Urgent Care Hospital
Office StaffDr. Mark Davis is a native of Fairfax County. He became one of the country's first board certified specialists in Emergency Medicine in 1983. VMAC was created out of his mission to take a general medicine walk-in clinic and develop a place where the community could receive non-critical urgent and emergency care at the level that he could deliver as a skilled and experienced Emergency Physician practicing outside of a hospital environment.
ServicesWalk in urgent care services Walk in workers compensation services Scheduled primary care appointments On-site x-rays DOT and non-DOT physicals DOT and non-DOT drug screening On-site MRO services Immediate result/rapid drug testing BAT Respirator fitness evaluation Fit for duty evaluations Tetanus PPD Hepatitis Flu vaccines And much more!