Price Rite Drug and Medical Equipment in Bozeman is a convenient local pharmacy and source of medical products. We're here to help you with medical prescriptions, medications, and a wide array of medical products and services.
ServicesWe also carry a wide variety of Medical equipment, including Complete Home Health Care Equipment, Concentrators, Door Openers, Braun, SalesSundancer, Mobile Wheelchair Repair, Hand Controls Wheelchairs, Mobile Repair , Nebulizers & Medication, Door Openers, Bruno Portable OxygenAdditional ServicesOur knowledgable pharmacists can help with a wide variety of medicinal needs, including diabetic equipment, vitamin recommendations, ostomy/urostomy supplies, CPAPS, and wound care. We take pride in making sure you are properly taken care of, and leave with exactly what you need. We Can Bill Medicare Medicaid And Secondary Insurance.