Dr. Dean’s medical practice focuses on the prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lupus, MS, etc. Among the alternative treatments Dr. Dean provides are intravenous chelation therapy, hydrogen peroxide, high-dose vitamin C infusions, ozone and prolozone.
ServicesDr. Dean specializes in the prevention and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, including (but not limited to): o Overweight and Obesity o Hypertension o Diabetes o Cancer o Arthritis o Cardiovascular disease o Hormone deficiency/imbalance Some of the treatments available include: o Chelation therapy o Intravenous Vitamin C (high dose) o Hydrogen Peroxide (intravenous) o Ozone o Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for men and women (including Bi-Est, testosterone, and growth hormone) Additional ServicesAnti-Aging, Chelation Therapy, Ozone, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement