My goal is to get my patients better quickly. I do not believe in long term care for some undefined problem. I work with you to figure out the cause of any problem you have and then work to resolve the problem. On average this take 4-6 visits. I am certified in Applied Kinesiology, Kinesiotapping and Dry Needling. In addition to these modalities I use Electric Stimulation, Ultrasound and cold lasers to help you get better.
ServicesChiropractic, Kinesiotapping, Dry Needling Rehabilitation Exercises, Nutritional Counseling, Kinesiotapping and Cold Laser. I can use low force or higher force manual adjusting, or use a Flexion distraction table, or an Electronic Adjuster. Additional ServicesApplied Kinesiology, Dry Needling, Kinesiotaping, Cold Laser Rehabilitation, Nutrition