
Christopher's 1935 Hoover Court Suite F111 Birmingham, AL 35226


Christopher's is a Salon facility at 1935 Hoover Court Suite F111 in Birmingham, AL.
Primary Specialty


Services Christopher's is a salon in Birmingham, AL 35226.

Salons like Christopher's offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures.

Contact Christopher's and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 1935 Hoover Court Suite F111, Birmingham, AL 35226. For a description of services offered, call Christopher's at (205) 979-5405
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Christopher is awesome he did my hair better than I've ever had it done. He took his time and did a fabulous job. I just can't sing his praises enough. Christopher is very open and has an engaging personality.
by Kristina Jester
February 13, 2018