B-Neat Beauty Salon

Wellness.com Featured Provider
B-Neat Beauty Salon
B-Neat Beauty Salon Office

(870) 398-4048

104 Highway 84 East Amity, AR 71921

Directions to 104 Highway 84 East, Amity, AR 71921



Primary Specialty


Practice B-Neat Beauty Salon

B-Neat Beauty Salon

B-Neat Beauty Salon is a Salon facility at 104 Highway 84 East in Amity, AR.


B-Neat Beauty Salon is a salon in Amity, AR 71921.

Salons like B-Neat Beauty Salon offer services that often include haircuts, nails services, waxing, manicures and pedicures.

Contact B-Neat Beauty Salon and discus your beauty needs or stop by at 104 Highway 84 East, Amity, AR 71921. For a description of services offered, call B-Neat Beauty Salon at (870) 398-4048