Karl Kafozoff, MS,L.Ac.,PT practices as a Physical Therapist in Manalapan, NJ.
Years In Practice37
Primary Specialty
Physical Therapist
AffiliationsMember of acupuncture Society of New York,
Certification3/02 New York State Licensed in Physical Therapy #023824 9/06 New Jersey State Licensed in Physical Therapy #40QA01219500 New Jersey State Acupuncture #2514200062000 9/97-6/00 MS, Acupuncture, Diploma, Tri-State College of Acupuncture, NYS Licensed in Acupuncture #001478, National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Orientation Medicine
Payment OptionsIn most cases, Manalapan Medical accepts insurance assignment and will assist you in billing the responsible party. For those who are not covered by insurance, Manalapan Medical can offer a payment program. Fees will vary depending upon the complexity of treatment. We will be glad to discuss any particular situation and to assist you in making the necessary financial arrangements. If you are being treated for injuries resulting from an auto accident, medical bills are often covered by automobile insurance. We participate in most PPO and POS plans, as well as most HMOs. We also accept Medicare. Feel free to call us if you have specific insurance questions.