They answered some of our questions but I could have used more information. Their staff was not that friendly. I felt like my fathers needs were not met, and they didn't make any extra effort. If I couldn't find anyone better, I'd return again, but I'm hoping I can find better service somewhere else. I can't believe that this is a five star facility. It's a dungeon. There is not a comfortable place in the place to sit and visit with family. There is absolutely no privacy. So much noise you can't think. It took months to see a specialist because they have issues getting transportation out of the nursing home, not because the specialist didn't have appointments available. The food is terrible and looks like i don't know what. Nursing home couldn't or wouldn't provide a wheelchair that was in good enough shape or suited for my father. I would not suggest anyone goes here. If this is a five star nursing home, then we are in really sad shape. My father is still alive though, and has made a little progress in six months in some areas. Very little, but I have to give them that much.