As a physician and healer I practice conventional medicine and integrative holistic medicine which combines multiple therapies to promote optimal health. The primary objective is patient happiness, focusing on healing one's life. It is the conscious pursuit of the highest level of functioning and balance of the physical, environmental, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of human experience, resulting in a dynamic state of being fully alive. This creates a condition of well being regardless of the presence or absence of disease.
Years In Practice40
Primary Specialty
EducationEge Univ, Tip Fak, Izmir, Turkey
TrainingUniv Hosp-Suny Stony Brook, Internal Medicine
ServicesEsenbike Bek, MD provides internal medicine in Port Charlotte, FL. Esenbike Bek, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Esenbike Bek MD in Port Charlotte, FL, please call (941) 208-2519.Additional ServicesInternist, holistic medicine