Dr. John Pulliam is a neurosurgeon in Sherman, Texas who specializes in spine, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve surgery. Dr. Pulliam provides medical care to patients experiencing back, neck, leg, arm, or hand pain, weakness, or numbness. No referral is necessary to schedule an appoint. Most new patients can get in to see Dr. Pulliam within a few business days of contacting the office. Dr. Pulliam has over 25 years of experience in surgical practice.
Years In Practice33
Primary Specialty
EducationUniveristy of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
TrainingUniveristy of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Neurological Surgery; Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple, Texas, General Surgery Internship
ServicesSurgical procedures performed include anterior cervical fusion, cervical discectomy, lumbar discectomy, lumbar fusion, carpel tunnel release, and ulnar nerve transposition. Non-surgical care is also provided.Additional ServicesSpine Surgery