Carl Stiff, MD Featured Provider
Carl Stiff, MD

(541) 523-9841

Fax (541) 543-1799 PO Box 946 Baker City, OR 97814

Carl Stiff, MD

Carl Stiff, MD practices as an OBGYN in Baker City, OR.Carl Stiff, MD graduated from Or Hlth Sci Univ Sch Of Med, Portland Or 97201.
Primary Specialty


Education Or Hlth Sci Univ Sch Of Med, Portland Or 97201
Training Legacy Emmanuel Hosp & Med Ctr, Obstetrics And Gynecology; L A Co-Usc Med Ctr, Flexible Or Transitional Year
Services Carl Stiff, MD offers OBGYN services in Baker City, OR at PO Box 946, Baker City, OR 97814. Obstetricians & Gynecologists (OBGYN) specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.

To learn more about OBGYN services, or to make an appointment with Carl Stiff, MD in Baker City, OR, please call (541) 523-9841.
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