Barry Greenberg, MD practices as an Orthopedic Surgeon in Akron, OH.Barry Greenberg, MD graduated from Univ Of Cincinnati Coll Of Med, Cincinnati Oh 45267.
Primary Specialty
Orthopedic Surgeon
EducationUniv Of Cincinnati Coll Of Med, Cincinnati Oh 45267
TrainingAkron Gen Med Ctr, Orthopedic Surgery; Akron Gen Med Ctr, Flexible Or Transitional Year
ServicesBarry Greenberg, MD provides orthopedic surgery in Akron, OH. Orthopedic Surgeons often treat degenerative conditions in the bones and joints as well as serious injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Barry Greenberg, MD in Akron, OH, please call (330) 668-4050.