Roman Castellanos, MD practices as an Internist in Bronx, NY.Roman Castellanos, MD graduated from Univ Auto De Santo Domingo (Uasd), Fac De Cien Med, Santo Domingo.
Primary Specialty
EducationUniv Auto De Santo Domingo (Uasd), Fac De Cien Med, Santo Domingo
TrainingJersey City Med Ctr, Internal Medicine; R W Johnson Univ Hosp, Internal Medicine; St Thomas Hosp, Radiology; St Thomas Hosp, Flexible Or Transitional Year
ServicesRoman Castellanos, MD provides internal medicine in Bronx, NY. Roman Castellanos, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Roman Castellanos, MD in Bronx, NY, please call (718) 665-8300.
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My fiance's mother has been going to this doctor for years. As of late, she had been telling me of how itchy she has been, so I decided to take a look at her medications to see if maybe she's having adverse reactions. To my utter disbelief, I discovered she was on three different anti psychotic drugs. My fiance's sister told me that he had given her one and told her it was for her allergies. what sort of a clinician prescribes medication to a patient without even telling them what it's for? All he ever does is put patients on an ever increasing amount of drugs. Several of my fiance's coworkers have reported the same abuse. One night, after she had gone to the ER (and the clinicians there having done nothing either) I changed her pcp. She is now in the hospital for pneumonia, something this quack may have been able to help with had he been a decent human being, instead of a man with a piece of paper declaring himself a "Doctor of Medicine." I am going to find more current and former patients of this man in order to report his actions to the AMA and the state medical board. As a physician in training, it really shamed and embarrassed me that someone like this could be so apathetic about the lives of his elderly patients.