ServicesDinko Podrug, MD practices psychiatry at 52 E End Ave, New York, NY 10028. Psychiatrists are licensed physicians who specialize in the evaluation, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and emotional disorders.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Dinko Podrug, MD in New York, NY, please call (212) 734-3307 for more information.
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Every time I visit, I have to remind them why I'm visiting them. It makes me feel like they don't care about me. Not only were they unwilling to seek any sort of advice from anyone else when they didn't have an answer for me, they highly discouraged me from seeking anyone else's opinion. No real treatment plan was ever developed. And he often talked about himself. He pushed med after med instead of helping me work on behavior. And when I pressed him on developing a treatment plan for me his response was akin to - young girls have transference issues, let's talk about that. When I stopped working with him, I told him not to contact me again. He showed no respect for boundaries. He called & txt me and sent me a passive aggressive letter basically saying that my treatment failed because I didn't understand his style and that I have transference issues. He's really creepy in that way. I cannot recommend that any women see him for treatment.