Dr. Mary V. DeCicco is a general and family dentist who welcomes patients of all ages, ranging from early childhood to late adulthood, including Geriatrics. Dr. DeCicco has been servicing the central New Jersey area for the last 25 years. Dr. DeCicco is located just north of Princeton, NJ and covers Somerset, Mercer and Middlesex counties. She has the prestigious distinction of being named one of New Jersey’s Top Dentists for 2014. Click the following link to see more! http://www.njtopdocs.com/DrDeCicco
ServicesUsing state-of-the-art equipment and materials, Dr. DeCicco offers you a variety of dental services for your improved appearance and enhanced oral health. Porcelain Veneers Tooth Colored Fillings Implants or Bridges Bonding Natural Crowns (No Metal) Whitening Sleep Apnea Appliances Pediatric Dentist