Oral Cancer Screenings
Gary Beavers, Dr.
We all know that going to the dentist twice a year will keep our teeth healthy and help prevent gum disease. But did you know that your dentist can help detect oral cancer? As with any type of cancer, early detection is important. The earlier cancer is detected the greater the chance for a cure.
Cancer can start as small white or red spots in the mouth. It can affect the lips, gums, cheeks, tongue, hard palate, soft palate, sinuses, or throat. According to the American Dental Association over 34,360 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year. Unfortunately, only half of those diagnosed with the disease will survive more than five years.
Gary Beavers, Dr. can conduct an oral cancer screening exam as part of your scheduled dental exam. As part of the exam, they will feel for lumps or irregularities on your face, head, neck, and mouth. They will also look inside your mouth for any irregularities, sores, lesions, or discolorations. If you have noticed any change the areas mentioned, it is important that you mention it. If anything suspicious is found in your mouth, you may need a brush test. This test is used to collect cells which are later sent to a lab for testing. The procedure is painless. If the cells are found to be cancerous, they may be surgically removed.
If Gary Beavers, Dr. finds a larger mass, a scalpel biopsy may be done. Local anesthesia will be administered so the area in question can be removed for further analysis, or they might refer you to a specialist. If cancer is found it can be treated with surgery followed by either
radiation therapy, drug treatment, or a combination of the two.
There is no definitive cause of oral cancer. Though family history, smoking, an unhealthy diet, and sun exposure increases your risk of oral cancer, they are not the only factors. You can be proactive in detecting cancer. Perform monthly self-exams by looking and feeling your lips and gums. If you find a sore in your mouth that will not go away, call (919) 467-7717 to make an immediate appointment at Gary Beavers, Dr..
Self-screenings are good, but not enough. Dentists can detect changes that are too small for you to detect alone. The American Cancer Society recommends oral screening exams every three years for adults over twenty and under forty. They also recommend yearly exams for those patients over forty. Ask for an oral exam during your next appointment. As your partner in health, Gary Beavers, Dr. is dedicated to helping all our patients reach and maintain optimum overall health. Call (919) 467-7717 to schedule your appointment today.
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