George Pirpiris, MD Featured Provider
George Pirpiris, MD

(410) 676-5903

Fax (410) 679-2340 1952 Pulaski Hwy Edgewood, MD 21040

Directions to 1952 Pulaski Hwy, Edgewood, MD 21040



Primary Specialty

Orthopedic Surgeon

Education Univ Athens, Fac Med, Sch Of Hlth Sci, Nat'L & Kapodistrian, Athens
Training Johns Hopkins Hosp, Orthopedic Surgery; Union Mem Hosp, General Surgery

George Pirpiris, MD

George Pirpiris, MD practices as an Orthopedic Surgeon in Edgewood, MD.George Pirpiris, MD graduated from Univ Athens, Fac Med, Sch Of Hlth Sci, Nat'L & Kapodistrian, Athens.


George Pirpiris, MD provides orthopedic surgery in Edgewood, MD. Orthopedic Surgeons often treat degenerative conditions in the bones and joints as well as serious injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with George Pirpiris, MD in Edgewood, MD, please call (410) 676-5903.