Andrew Clarke, MD practices as an Internist in New Iberia, LA.Andrew Clarke, MD graduated from La State Univ Sch Of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La 70112.
Primary Specialty
EducationLa State Univ Sch Of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La 70112
TrainingLa State Univ Sch Of Med, Internal Medicine
ServicesAndrew Clarke, MD provides internal medicine in New Iberia, LA. Andrew Clarke, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.
To learn more, or to make an appointment with Lahasky Family Practice in New Iberia, LA, please call (337) 364-4738.
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Their office was well organized and clean. I could tell they took a lot of time making sure it was presentable. They definitely care about patient comfort because they have the best waiting room chairs I've ever seen. I could have easily taken a quick nap while waiting for my appointment. Their equipment was safe and well taken care of, which really says a lot about their standards of care to me. The waiting room here is spacious. I never feel like I have to sit too close to someone or that it is overcrowded.