Stephen Tharp, MD

Stephen Tharp, MD
St Vincent Frankfort Hospital 1201 Oak St Frankfort, IN 46041

Stephen Tharp, MD

Stephen Tharp, MD practices as an Internist in Frankfort, IN.Stephen Tharp, MD graduated from In Univ Sch Of Med, Indianapolis In 46202.
Primary Specialty


Education In Univ Sch Of Med, Indianapolis In 46202
Training Spectrum Hlth-Blodgett Campus, Internal Medicine; Clarian Methodist Hosp Of Indi, Flexible Or Transitional Year
Services Stephen Tharp, MD provides internal medicine in Frankfort, IN. Stephen Tharp, MD is listed as an internist, which is a physician who studies Internal Medicine for adults.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with St Vincent Frankfort Hospital in Frankfort, IN, please call (765) 656-3930.
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Was it easy to find parking at this provider's office?
Extremely easy, and close to the entrance
Did this provider ever postpone your appointment?
Not at all! They always try to get me in as soon as possible
Did you leave the office feeling satisfied with your visit?
by Anonymous
August 16, 2011

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Does this provider welcome questions?
No, They dismissed my questions as unimportant
Did you experience unnecessary pain during your visit?
Yes, I wasn't comfortable at all
Does this provider remember you by name?
No, and they don't make an effort to even try
by Anonymous
April 25, 2011
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