Our ultimate goal is that when you smile; you smile with radiance, beauty and confidence. Our dentists, Dr. Ronald M. Pross, Dr. Richard M. Kanter and Dr. Marc S. Tindell are here for your every need. The office offers advanced general, restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures, as well as state-of-the-art technology. Our ultimate goal is that when you smile; you smile with radiance, beauty and confidence. For your convenience we offer emergency dental care for those times when you are in desperate need of help due to oral pain caused by a toothache, gum infection or another uncomfortable dental condition.
ServicesWe are a full service office providing you with all of your dental care. Restorative, crown and bridge, implants, partials, dentures, root canals, Zoom bleaching, take home whitening, Invisalign, Take home sleep studies for snoring, TMJ appliances, Botox and Juvederm.