Patrick Wyffels is a surgeon located in Peoria, IL. His practice is centered at Proctor Professional Building & Proctor Hospital and serves patients throughout the surrounding region. Dr. Wyffels has been practicing medicine in the specialties of General Surgery, Thoracic Surgery and Vascular Surgery as well as providing demanding and complex "Intensive Care Unit patient care" as a Surgical Critical Care Specialist for over twenty five years. He has provided untiring inpatient & outpatient diagnostic evaluation and care of peripheral arterial disease ( PAD ) with and without atherosclerosis in the prevention of amputations and improving the quality of life as well as aneurysms, varicose veins. Treatment & care include emergency, acute and chronic surgical diseases including demanding diabetic ulcers, non healing wounds and large, complex hernias. He has received recognition and has been highly praised for being a very talented, compassionate, and humble physician who treats each of his patients with the utmost respect and individualized quality of care.
Years In Practice42
Primary Specialty
Vascular Surgeon
EducationUniversity of Illinois
TrainingUniversity of Illinois at Saint Francis Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois
AffiliationsProctor Hospital, Peoria, IL & Methodist Med Ctr, Peoria, IL
CertificationAmerican Board of Surgery General Surgery including Vascular Surgery & Thoracic Surgery Surgical Critical Care
Payment OptionsParticipates in most Insurance Company Programs complete your Insurance & Disability forms without charge accepts Medicare Assignment participates in care of patients with Healthcare & Family Services Coverage ( Medicaid ) has No bill collection Agency
ServicesPatrick Wyffels of Patrick L Wyffels MD provides Vascular Surgeon services, General Surgeon services, Thoracic Surgeon services, Surgical Critical Care services at 5401 N Knoxville Ave. (309) 589-0600