Anthony Lim, MD

Anthony Lim, MD
1285 Waianuenue Ave, Hawaii Pacific Onc Ctr Hilo, HI 96720

Anthony Lim, MD

Anthony Lim, MD practices as an Oncologist in Hilo, HI.Anthony Lim, MD graduated from Univ Of British Columbia, Fac Of Med, Vancouver, Bc, Canada.
Primary Specialty


Education Univ Of British Columbia, Fac Of Med, Vancouver, Bc, Canada
Training Univ Ca San Diego Med Ctr, Hematology/Oncology Univ Tx Southwestern Med Sch, Hematology/Oncology Dallas Co Hp-Parkland Mem, Internal Medicine
Services Anthony Lim, MD provides oncology services in Hilo, HI. Oncology includes the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and many other forms of cancer.

Contact Anthony Lim, MD at (808) 933-0625 for specific information about cancer treatment in Hilo, HI.
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Was it clear that this provider takes pride in the appearance of his/her office?
No, I don't think they've ever cleaned it
Did this provider seem well-trained and experienced?
Yes, they seemed very qualified
Did this provider seem irritated to be working with you?
No, they were polite
Was it easy to make an appointment with this provider?
Did you feel like this provider's office was understaffed?
Yes, I had to wait a long time before someone was able to help me
by Anonymous
May 10, 2013
Does this provider adhere to the customer is always right policy?
Yes, they listen to all complaints and make every effort to correct the situation.
by Anonymous
August 02, 2011
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