Todd Young practices as a Dentist in Yreka, California (CA). Dr. Young is a dentist at Family Smiles and has been practicing since 2000. Family Smiles fully utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and has a modern sterilization system that surpasses OSHA requirements. Dr. Young strives to make customers feel comfortable and ensure that they receive quality service. Dr. Young is a highly skilled dentist in Yreka, California (CA) who is committed to radiant smiles and superior oral health.
ServicesAt Family Smiles, where Dr. Todd Young practices as a dentist in Yreka, California (CA), the staff provides complete general dentistry, as well as cosmetic dentistry and periodontics. They also specialize in implant dentistry and endodontics.
Call Dr. Todd Young today for a professional and caring dentist in Yreka, California (CA).