Robert Feinstein, MD
521 Rock Rimmon Rd
Stamford, CT 06903
Robert Feinstein, MD
Dr. Robert E Feinstein MD is an academic psychiatrist, mental health organizational consultant, educator/ trainer, supervisor, and mentor. He is also in private psychiatric practice in Stamford, Connecticut combining psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. He is licensed, and working/consulting in Connecticut, New York and Texas.
Primary Specialty
New York Univ Sch Of Med, New York Ny 10016
Bronx Municipal Hosp Ctr, Psychiatry
I can consult with your mental health organization or business to help you develop novel outpatient psychiatric services and provide staff education and trainings. A consultation begins with a needs assessment leading to the development of detailed business strategies, use of informatics, billing optimization, team building, staff education, training and supervision,
Delivering psychiatric care within primary care practice settings ( Family Medicine and Internal Medicine) is effective, cost saving, and is well received by patients and physicians.I can work with your medical practice to recruit, train, and integrate behavioral health specialists within your team to offer mental health services within the context of a regular medical office visit.
Curriculum development, inservice education, and the development of Continuing Education Programs (CME & CEUs) are essential components for mental health organization, psychiatric residency training, psychology, social work, nurse practitioner training programs. Community and State run mental health services also frequently are looking for educational programing. As a former Senior Associate Dean of Medical Education at Colorado School of Medicine, Director of Psychiatric Residency Training in New York, and as former Director of Behavior Science at Stamford Hospital, I have consulted with many educational programs helping them develop new curriculum, seminars, and workshops using the latest pedagogies.
i have developed a program of Violence Prevention that can be implement in outpatient settings. It is a valuable training for staff, Security Services, Police or Law Enforcement Agencies, who treat and assist in managing patients with mental illness
LIVE Apprenticeship Supervision
With your patient's consent, I can work virtually and conjointly with a therapist and patient in a one hour session (for up to ten meetings). This provides live feedback to the clinician, and accelerates a therapist's skill acquisition. Patient satisfaction is also high. 15 minutes of post session review and discussion follows each session.
Additional Services
Organizational Consulting & Psyhchiatric Care