Dr.Mumtaz is board certified ear,nose,throat and head,and neck surgeon and has been in practice for more than 25 years.He performs ear,nose and throat and head and neck cancer surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery, IN office balloon sinuplasty for recurrent and chronic sinusitus , thyroid surgery, salivary gland surgery, minor in office surgery for skin cancer and moles and cysts Epley maneuver for positional vertigoand dizziness and treat hearing and balance disorders, hearing tests and hearing aids, sudden onset hearing loss treatment with middle ear steroid injection snoring and sleep apnea diagnosis and surgery treatment
main office 4000 annapolis road baltimore near the beltway on B&A blvd rte 648. other office at 1600 south crain highway Glen Burnie md
Servicesin office balloon sinuplasty for chronic and recurrent sinus infection , ultrasound guided needle aspiration thyroid and other head and neck masses, snoring and sleep apnea treatment and surgery sudden onset hearing loss treatment with middle ear steroid injection vertigo and dizziness treatment and EPLEY MANEUVRE HEARING TESTS and hearing aid service Additional Servicesballoon sinuplasty. sleep apnea surgery
After 5 years of Hospitals and ambo rides, Doctor Mumtaz knew exactly what was wrong with me. Although, there is no cure for my condition. I no longer am rushed to the hospital . Dr Mumtaz's treatment has helped a great deal. I especially appreciate his experience.