Kathleen M Callaghan, MD

Kathleen M Callaghan, MD

Kathleen M Callaghan, MD

Kathleen M Callaghan, MD practices as an OBGYN in HOBBS, NM.
Primary Specialty


Services Kathleen M Callaghan, MD offers OBGYN services in HOBBS, NM at 5419 N LOVINGTON HWY STE 6, HOBBS, NM 88240. Obstetricians & Gynecologists (OBGYN) specialize in female reproductive health issues as well as gynecological health issues.

To learn more about OBGYN services, or to make an appointment with Kathleen M Callaghan, MD in HOBBS, NM, please call (505) 782-6600.
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I was very satisfied with my visit. They were helpful and I left feeling encouraged. I will definitely recommend them to people I know. The chairs in the waiting room were pretty standard I suppose. They served their purpose while I was waiting, but it would have been nice if they were a little more comfortable.

I wasn't pressured here to use any particular medications or birth controls. All my questions were answered and nothing was pushed on me. They would never suggest that I buy something that wasn't necessary, and never pressured me. They were always very considerate and professional.
by Kaylen
July 08, 2011