Stephen M Larson, OD

Stephen M Larson, OD

Stephen M Larson, OD

Stephen M Larson, OD practices as an Optometrist in SAUK CENTRE, MN.
Primary Specialty


Services Stephen M Larson, OD practices in SAUK CENTRE, MN. Optometrists offer services which typically include the examination and treatment of common vision disorders as well as the fitting and prescription of corrective eye glasses.

If you experience a change in vision, such as eye pain, blurred vision, persistent eye strain or redness, you should consult an Optometrist.

To determine if Stephen M Larson, OD can help you, please call the SAUK CENTRE, MN office at (320) 352-2774 for more information.
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Does this provider use current and safe equipment?
Does this provider always put the customer first?
Absolutely! They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen
Was this provider's office too loud?
No, it wasn't too loud
Were the restrooms clean at this provider's office?
Yes, I could tell they were cleaned regularly
Are you confident that this provider will continue working with you until a solution is reached?
Absolutely! I'm confident they will work hard to find the best solution for me
by jim
October 17, 2012

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Did you spend a lot of time in the waiting room at this provider's office?
Absolutely not! I was seen right away!
Did this optometrist provide you with an accurate prescription?
It seemed to be a fairly accurate prescription, but I'm still not seeing perfectly
Was this provider's office clean?
Yes everything was neat and sterile
by Anonymous
December 26, 2011
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