Mark B Workman, MD

Mark B Workman, MD

Mark B Workman, MD

Mark B Workman, MD practices as a Cardiologist in CINCINNATI, OH.
Primary Specialty


Services Mark B Workman, MD provides cardiology services in CINCINNATI, OH. A cardiologist is a physician who is certified to diagnose and treat disorders of the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system — the heart, arteries and veins.

To learn more, or to make an appointment with Mark B Workman, MD in CINCINNATI, OH, please call (513) 662-8867 for more information.
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Did this provider have an entertaining selection of waiting room magazines?
Did this provider rush your appointment?
No, I was able to ask as many questions as I wanted
Was this provider sympathetic to your situation?
Yes! They went above and beyond to make me feel special and respected
by Anonymous
September 11, 2011

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Yes, they always put customers first
Did this provider pressure you to purchase any unnecessary products during your visit?
Absolutely not! I was never uncomfortable
Does this provider treat their staff well?
Yes, they treat their staff with respect
by Anonymous
March 23, 2011
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