Kathy Veon of The Central Florida Preventive Medicine office practices Nutrtion Therapy, Cation Mudpack Therapy, Emotional Repolorization Technique, EVOX Therapy and Acupuncture in Lake Mary, Florida (FL). She offers Nutrition Therapy as a natural way to reverse all types of chronic and acute illnesses. Kathy Veon is a board certified, licensed doctor of oriental medicine and an acupuncture specialist dedicated to health and wellness. Acupuncture and nutrition therapy are powerful tools which can help the body make the shift back to optimal health. Even the most chronic health issues can be addressed by providing an environment in which the body can fully heal. As a practitioner of acupuncture and nutrition therapy in Lake Mary, Florida (FL) Kathy Veon's office also offers lifestyle counseling, focusing on the physical, mental and emotional needs of each patient. Kathy Veon believes that we are all complex, individual beings in need of our own unique therapies and techniques. The office in Lake Mary, Florida (FL) offers an escape from chronic illness that patients have been living with, as well as providing an increased boost in energy.
Years In Practice19
Primary Specialty
EducationFlorida College of Integrative Medicine
TrainingNeuroEmotional Technique (NET) Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist (ADS) Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture
AffiliationsNCCAOM FSOMA NADA Sanford Chamber of Commerce Institute of HeartMath
ServicesKathy Veon can help alleviate patient's health issues with her extensive training in Nutrition Therapy, Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA), Cation Mud Therapy, EVOX Therapy, Emotional Repolorization Technique (ERT). Her various techniques such as herbology, diagnostic testing, and quantum reflex analysis are valuable treatments that can help patients return to their healthy and pain free lives. If in need of acupuncture in Lake Mary, Florida (FL) call Kathy Veon today to experience an increased overall sense of well being. Additional ServicesQuantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner