Rachel Toomim is the acupuncturist that doctors and other practitioners go to, for acupuncture treatment and to learn about acupuncture. Through many years of ongoing studies with the world's greatest acupuncture scholar, Tran Viet Dzung MD, Rachel Toomim has advanced training and experience in the following specialties: Addictions/Behavioral Health, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Neurology, Nephrology, Otorhinolaryngology (ear,nose,throat), Opthalmology, Pulmonology and Rheumatology. She is also trained in the ancient art and science of Classical Feng Shui, through the prestigious Wu Ji Academy. Dr. Toomim finds that living space can sometimes adversely effect health, prosperity and treatment results. Knowledge and Experience make the Difference. Over twenty-seven years of clinical experience, coupled with advanced studies, which merge acupuncture theory with understandings from modern medicine, allow Dr. Toomim to provide a results-oriented treatment plan and to better integrate treatment provided by your doctor and other practitioners. In practice for over 32 years. Known as a leader, scholar and results-oriented practitioner. Elected to three national acupuncture boards. Teaches throughout the country. Continues ongoing studies with world's foremost scholar in acupuncture, allowing for better integration of treatment between acupuncture and other care providers.
Years In Practice37
Primary Specialty
EducationUniversity of Texas Florida Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Van Nghi Institute of Classical Acupuncture Chicago School of Massage Therapy Suncoast School of Massage Therapy
TrainingMeta Energetics @ University of Miami Quantum Clearing System, ISEE Instititue Advanced Cranio-Sacral Technique - National Institute of Cranial Studies, Tri-Release Techniques Chic
AffiliationsMindSpa Integrative Wellness Center - Senior Staff NADA - National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, former Vice President, former Training Chair AAAOM - American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, former board member
CertificationNADA Registered Trainer Classical Feng Shui Practitioner - WuJi Academy
Payment OptionsVisa/MC/Am Ex/Apple Pay Some insurance covers acupuncture. We will happily file for insurance if your plan offers coverage. All plans are different. Depending on the plan, we have had coverage from Aetna, Cigna, Florida Blue, Federal Employees program. Check your plan to see if you have coverage for acupuncture.