Massage Therapy, for a healthier, happier you ! ! ! Massage is Good for the Body, Good for the Mind, & Good For the Soul. It Reduces Stress, Calms Nerves, Reduces Muscle Tension, Increases Circulation, accelerates healing, & Helps Body and Mind to Relax and Rejuvenate. Every Body Needs To Be Kneaded. Our office is located Downtown Poteau, Oklahoma, but outcall are available throughout the River Valley for a little extra fee
Years In Practice29
Primary Specialty
Massage Therapist
EducationWhite River School of Massage
TrainingCompleted 500 hours at WRSM in 1995
CertificationLicensed Massage Therapist
Office StaffBruce McClain Yueqiu Huang
Payment OptionsCash or checks. Credit cards on website