Sclerotherapy Treatment
Carmen Laronn, MD
Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical technique that is used to close medium sized veins, spider veins or broken capillaries. These veins are common on the thighs or leg but may also be seen on the face or body.
How It Works
A tiny needle is used to introduce the sclerosing agent into the vein. The agent displaces the blood in the vein and irritates the inside lining into itself. Your body then absorbs it and it disappears. A typical treatment takes from 20–40 minutes and includes multiple injections. There are a number of different “sclerosing agents” that can be used in many different concentrations that vary on the type of vein.
A couple of treatments may be needed for best results. Most veins are completely gone in two weeks to two months.
Costs & Recovery Time
Because the needles used are so tiny, there is little discomfort involved and there is only 2–3 weeks recovery time needed. Costs range from $100–$265 depending on the number of areas involved, the size and the number of veins.
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