Carmen Laronn, MD
Photorejuvenation, Photofacial and Roseacea Photofacial is a progressive program of several sessions using IPL-Lumeni breakthrough technology is a that corrects skin damage without disruption of the skin’s surface, hence, no “down time.”
While there are lasers that treat teleangiectasia and broken capillaries, other lasers that treat brown pigment and others yet that are used for resurfacing facial skin, no technology provides the long-term improvement of complexion and texture and simultaneous correction of all the above problems, all without disruption of your busy lifestyle. Now you can simultaneously treat a wide range of facial concerns safely and effectively such as broken capillaries (red and purple), brown discolorations aging and wrinkling, large pores as well as acne.
Recovery Time & Cost
These treatments are done in a series of 6. In addition to the improvements mentioned above, you will see improvements in your skins tone and texture cumulative with each session. You will see results after your second or third treatment and usually have no downtime. This is one of the so-called “lunchtime” procedures – it can take 30 minutes or less and you go right back to work. Costs range from $250 – $550 depending on the size of the area treated per session.
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