Photodynamic Blu-U

Carmen Laronn, MD

Photodyanamic therapy is an enhanced phototherapy treatment for acne and anti-aging when aminolevulnic Acid (ALA) is applied and absorbed preferentially to the targeted area prior to the light exposure. ALA is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and is selectively absorbed into the sebaceous glands, discolored, thickened epidermis or, precancerous growth areas. When activated by specific wavelength light, it produces super oxygen molecules that destroy the target cells.

Photodynamic therapy with ALA is well tolerated and very effective in improving aged skin by reducing pigmentary deposits, wrinkling, and abnormal skin growth. It’s also a faster and more effective way to improve pustular acne, compared to simple phototherapy.

Recovery Time & Cost
There will be 3–4 days of redness, swelling, and scaling with photodynamic therapy. The cost varies from $275–$575 depending on the extent on the extent of the area treated and the type of light therapy. Package treatments are discounted 20%, and areas other then the face are priced individually.

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