
Carmen Laronn, MD

Microdermabrasion appears under a variety of names depending on the company that manufactures the equipment. This procedure is a “lunch time” procedure with no down time. The results are accomplished by cumulative treatments usually series of 6-12 or by itself in a maintenance program. It is useful for aging skin, discolorations, and acne.

How It Works
A delicate hand held device polishes the skin with the use of micro crystals held at a precise angle to the skin. This procedure is used to obtain a controlled exfoliation combined with lymphatic drainage. It may be used with or with out iontophoresis that allows infusion of essential vitamins, stimulants, or nourishing compounds that help regeneration and repair of the skin.

This procedure is useful to reduce fine lines, brown spots, large pores, aging skin, and acne. It increases skin elasticity, giving the skin a smoother texture. It is safe and effective for all skin types and may be used by itself or in combination with other treatments in a series or part of a maintenance regimen. It may be used on any area of the body.

Recovery Time & Cost
This process is especially good for active, busy people because there is no down time and you can resume outdoor activities immediately with adequate sun protection. Costs are usually $90–$160 depending on the extent of the area treated.

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