IPL Vascular Lasers Treatment
Carmen Laronn, MD
“Light that treats” Non-invasive, state of the art technology uses pulses of light to eliminate varicose and spider veins on the body, face and extremities without injections or surgery. This patented technology allows your physician to customize treatment specifically for the size and depth of the veins as well as for your skin type. This flexible interactive approach cannot be achieved by any other non-invasive method currently available.
How they work
IPL laser treatments are done with a non-invasive medical system that uses intense pulsed light therapy to reduce or eliminate skin redness, spider veins, sun damage, age spots, brown spots and more. It can treat the full face, neck, chest and even the hands.
It treats both vascular and pigmented lesions. Vascular lesions are abnormal blood vessels close to the skin’s surface that give the skin a reddish color. Pigmented lesions are brown spots caused by an excess of melanin (the dark pigment in the skin).
The light energy causes the tiny spider or other veins that cause redness of the skin to shrink and be absorbed by your body. The intensity and area these treatments cover can be controlled by your physician. The redness from rosacea can be reduced as much as 80%.
For clustered wide spread areas, these treatments are done in a series of 3–6 treatments. One to 3 treatments are usually needed for isolated areas.
Costs & Recovery Time
You will see results after your second or third treatment and usually have no downtime. This is one of the so called “lunchtime” procedures – it can take 30 minutes or less and you go right back to work. Costs range from $250–$550 depending on the size of the area treated per session.
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