Fractional Resurfacing
Carmen Laronn, MD
The versatility of this device make it possible to improve wrinkles, texture as well as tighten the skin with one treatment. The Fractora radio-frequency fractional skin resurfacing treatment has unique properties in providing superior skin improvement by fractionally ablating the skin while restructuring and tightening deeper tissue by virtue of micro currents at the same time.
Rejuvenate & Restore Skin with a Versatile Fractional Skin Treatment
Fractora is the most advanced fractional bipolar radio-frequency treatment providing anti-aging improvements on skin tone and texture for a more radiant appearance through ablation and skin resurfacing. Fractora delivers bipolar RF energy to the skin through an array of micro pins producing localized heat and small micro-lesion dots in the treatment area. The precise scattering of the micro-lesions combined with fast healing process initiated by the untreated skin around the ablation zones minimize the down time.
The gentle heat generated by the Fractora micro currents in the sub-dermal tissue(under the skin) promotes collagen restructuring and skin contraction for a rejuvenated improved appearance. Physicians can offer a versatile fractional treatment that can provide non-ablative to minimally ablative results up to 1mm in depth. Fractora can be used in areas that demonstrate fine or deep wrinkles, scars or discolored red and brown skin tone. The most common areas of treatment are the lower eyelid, upper eyelid, smile lines, cheeks, mouth and neck. RF energy heats the skin in a controlled manner to remodel deep collagen and improve the appearance of the skin.
Fractora delivers improvements in the broadest range of symptoms of aging skin including fine lines, deep lines, texture, pigment irregularities, blood vessels and redness
Fractora offers improvements for aging skin that would normally require two, three or even four different technologies
Ablation of the skin produces controlled skin resurfacing while untreated skin between the pins promotes faster healing of the treated tissue
Versatility of parameters allows the user to vary the depth of ablation, coagulation and heating based on the patient condition, type of skin and available time for recovery
Recovery Time & Cost
ProFractional Therapy may be done as a single treatment or a series of 4 depending on the skin condition. The downtime from the procedure is very short, and patients can typically resume their normal activities and get back to work in 2 to 4 days after the treatment depending on the surface and depth of the treatment, as well as the cost which varies from $580 to $880 per treatment.
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