Ambulatory Phlebectomy Treatment
Carmen Laronn, MD
Vein stripping has been a standard practice for decades for dealing with large, bulging varicose veins. Many surgeons still use this outdated mode that requires general or spinal anesthesia in a hospital setting. Stripping usually requires large, multiple incisions leaving unsightly scars. Post-operative recovery is painful and recuperation includes prolonged bed rest and time out of work.
Ambulatory phlebectomy is a micro surgical treatment performed in your doctor’s office. It removes large varicoseveins and is non-invasive, non-traumatic so is much preferred to the traditional “vein stripping”.
How It Works
This treatment method removes the troublesome vein by making tiny incisions in the skin. The incisions are so tiny that stitches are generally not necessary. The procedure is usually done with local anesthesia in your doctor’s office. It is frequently used in combination with sclerotherapy to enhance the overall results. Most patients see their results immediately.
Costs & Recovery Time
Most people are able to return to normal activities immediately though your doctor will probably have you walk, wear a compression bandage or stockings and avoid vigorous exercise for a couple weeks. You should also avoid long periods of standing for two weeks.
At 6 weeks after the procedure, a follow up is done to determine if troublesome veins remain that should be treated with sclerotherapy or lasers.
The cost of this treatment depends on how many veins are removed if both legs are treated any may range from $2,500–$5,000.
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