WHEN IN ROME DO AS ROMANS DO! what does it have to do with dentistry?

For the past 3 years I have been receiving mails from a company registered as "America's Top Dentist" a company that sells plaques with your name on it indicating that you are America's Top Dentist. This in fact is just a bogus.

I thought to write about it in my blog, when I saw a dental office had a banner outside the office congratulating the owner to receive one. Or several doctors that in their website sites brag about receiving the award, e.g. "I am honored to receive the America's Top Dentist for 2011 award. It is a great privilege receiving this award again".

I don't have an accurate statistic, but most dental offices I have visited have one of those hanging on the wall. It may be peer pressure to have one and use it as a marketing tool. But the reality is that every dentist can purchase one with less than $200. As much as I would like to have one hanging on the wall with my name on it, I have resisted purchasing one, because deep inside I know it is misleading the public to believe what you really are not.

If there is anything to advertise about it should be related to education, patient's satisfaction and documented cases that the doctor had completed through years.

More will come, thanks for reading my blog.

Dr Noohi,
1/12/2012 7:10:31 PM
I completed a six-year dental program at the Medical University of Nis, School of Dentistry in Yugoslavia in 1998 and earned a diploma for Doctor of Stomatology, equivalent for DMD. After I received my degree in Yugoslavia, I returned to Iran to complete an additional advanced dental program and received my certificate f...
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