New insite to me is awareness creating all in my world, which includes the things that frighten me. I know I am not alone in this creation of the 'all that is", however, I have a responsibility for the part is my own creation, which is interwoven with others creations. For it all to evolve to a higher flow of awareness, happiness and inner joy, I need to evolve. Because of my connection, ' all that is' needs my participation. Looking at the news or weather reports can be quite disturbing. My new insite has brought me to the understanding of this is all an expression of the release and hanging onto old notions and moving into new experiences, or reclaiming my own self. There is a lot of emotion with letting go into the void. So I have been looking for tools to guide, ignite and maintain the path of freedom. I would suggest for others who are also looking two areas of teachings that have helped me. One is Abraham Hicks, the other is Bashar, both can be found on You Tube for anyone looking. There are many other tools available for those seeking that can be overwhelming and even depressing due to the vast amount of untruths and just silly notions out in the floating cosmos. It reminds me a lot of searching for a favorite radio station and getting a lot of static. I tell myself a lot to be present, be in this moment, be alive at this time. I even say out loud, at times when my mind is racing, what it is I am doing, such as.... I am washing the dishes, I am washing the dishes, I am washing the dishes..... to keep myself here. Lately, I have been talking myself into being excited about the changes I see, as an acknowledgment of bring forth of the transformation of life as known to us humans, or perhaps myself only. Like doing a remodling job, things need to get torn up some. So I give myself affirmations such as.... give it to me, I am alive, I am growing, I am thrilled to be here, this is such a gift being alive right now, and , thank you! I give blessings and love to you on your journey as we travel in intersecting places.
Jibsea has insight to assist you to define and clairfy what your questions are. Proven psychic and spiritual assistant, she is able to show you the path to happiness and peace. does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment nor do we verify or endorse any specific business or professional
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