Women are known for talking about their feelings and emotions, but have you ever asked yourself: what is an Emotion?
An emotion is simply a reaction, created by either a positive or negative response to someone or something that is happening around us. Emotions are derived from one of two categories: 'positive' emotions are generated from a position of Love and 'negative' ones are of some form of Fear. As humans we have an intrinsic need to feel our emotions-some of us more deeply than others. These reactions we call emotions is what makes us women-what makes us human. However, we have all had the experience of allowing our emotions (reactions) get the better of us, and some of us to the point of headache, stomach problems (ulcers) or even more serious illness. Why are our emotions so powerful and what connects them so closely to our physical body?
The answer lies in a system that some call our "emotional" (or "energy") anatomy, or the "Chakra System".
"Chakra" is a Sandskrit word that means "disc". A Chakra, simply put is an emotional energy center in the body. The human body, our environment, our belongings, our thoughts and the entire world in which we live is made up of different forms of energy vibrating at different frequencies. All these energies are connected and are interacting at every moment, sending us signals and waiting for a response. By understanding how this energy works & how your Chakra system works you can better understand how to respond, react, conserve, utilize & spend your emotional energy more efficiently, feel better, think more clearly, exude strength and confidence (even when you are not feeling strong OR confident) and work more effortlessly to create the Life & Health you desire.
There are seven major chakras centers that are situated vertically along the spine from the base of the pelvis up to the top of the head. Anatomically they coorespond with areas of nerve endings throughout the physical body. All of these centers are constantly in interaction, connected as one system, (much like electrical circuitry.) They connect and affect our physical bodies to our emotions and ultimately connect with our Higher Consciousness.
Western culture believes that our behavior is dictated entirely by our intellect. In Eastern culture however the understanding is that movement-or lack of movement-in the form of our external (physical) energy influences our internal (emotional) state of mind, our health and therefore influences our actions & reactions. When this Chakra Energy is flowing freely or is balanced and operating as an integrated whole, we operate at our best - physically, emotionally & spiritually. If this energy is not moving freely, loses vitality or stagnates (as when one is ill or sedentary) a blockage results and those effects can also be felt in the physical body, the mind,our emotions and ultimately our actions.
So What does this have to do with Belly Dance? Belly dance is one way to move the physical body and help to un-block & balance our emotional energy, so that it stays flowing from a place of love, and not in a place of fear.
Why are we so fascinated with Belly Dance? Why do we love it so much? Because its ancient and mysterious and it makes us feel young, strong, fearless. Ultimately, Belly Dancing feels so good to us because it exercises and stimulates and balances the natural emotional energy centers (chakras) in our bodies. It makes us more aware of our bodies and of our emotions and how we project & express that emotional energy. It dispels any fears we have about oursleves, our physical conditons, our worth or our abilities. It challenges us to come to the very edge-and beyond- of our beliefs about ourselves. Many forms of exercise and activity can achieve this but Belly Dance seems to have some unexplainable connection with the Emotions & Chakra System.
While you are moving, absorbing the music and support of those in the room learning & dancing with you, remeber that you are not just merely executing the movements; you are letting go of fear, and improving your physical and emotional health. Think of the emotions that you are bringing back into balance; breathe into that area and focus on maintaining that center's energy level, health and well being.
Some simple ways to increase & balance your overall energy are:
~ Take care of your physical body! Drink plenty of pure spring water daily-(limit or avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugary beverages, carbonated soft drinks and beverages with artificial sweeteners) and be sure to eat the proper nutrients. Include plenty of FRESH fruits and vegetables daily and a small amount of protein at every meal. Avoid processed & fast foods and do not skip meals! Get plenty of sleep, rest & relaxation, & a little bit of exercise every day even if it is only a 10 minute walk or Belly Dance break!.
~ Take care of your emotional/mental health! Old hurts, insecurities, unhealthy relationships, feeling trapped & carrying unresolved, unexpressed resentment will take its toll on your physical and your energy body. Holding on to anger, fear, jealousy, and other negative emotions damages and blocks the natural flow of energy in your body and outside of it. These negative energy patterns are called "energy leaks". Energy leaks do not only impact & drain your energy system, but the energy of others and will affect your physical body as well. We can sometimes "borrow" energy, (as atoms do,) or lean on others, temporarily, but ultimately we have to give it back. When we do, we are still in our original weakened state & now so is the one we borrowed from. Don't lean. Rather build up your own energy supply.
It is not easy to break old habits. But if you learned one unhealthy habit, you can learn a new healthier one. It is never too late to start! Seek assistance from a qualified practitioner when needed. Although they may be difficult, the positive changes you make for yourself will affect your life in ways you never imagined!
Barbara is an educator, author, parent and the founder of the S.M.Art Kids® Adaptive Yoga Program. She has written books, conducted workshops and provided fun, educational and therapeutic programming for special needs children for more than 10 years.
Learn more about her programs and books at: www.bodylogique.com
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