I believe that knee replacements are a preventable surgery. The reason people are having knee replacements, in my opinion, is because there has been damage done to the soft tissue in the knee joint from a variety of reasons.
One of which is extremely tight muscles that cross the knee joint. The muscles on either side of the joint attach to the opposite side and pull the joint strongly together. The bones then grind the soft tissue down to the cartilage and then grind the cartilage down. When the cartilage is gone, there is nothing left to protect the bones, and therefore, the bones grind together and wear themselves down.
This entire process causes tremendous pain. I believe, when caught before extreme damage to the soft tissue, massage can help prevent the need for knee replacements. It has been proven that massage can improve the healing process.
Call now for an evaluation of your knees and for more information on how massage can help you.
I am the owner of Just This Side Of Heaven Massage. I provide Swedish, Deep Tissue, Therapeutic and Relaxation Massage. I do Ear Candling and Emotional Freedom Technique.
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