2-10-10 BIG SNOW DAY- Shoveling tips

Happy Snow Day, Everyone!
This is my first blog post and I just want give everyone some tips before shoveling out tomorrow morning. Make sure to get up earlier, Stretch your legs, upper arms, and back before you start. Do some back bends in standing to get your back stretched out. Do 10 to 15 or so and then start shoveling. If you can, get your body behind the shovel and push the snow to the side, instead of shoveling and lifting. The snow is heavy and wet out there, don't try to scoop up snow from the bottom all the way up, try to cut the snow in half, from top to bottom. This will limit the weight. Use your legs (bend at the knees) more than your back, if you can. Every 5 to 10 minutes, take a 20-30 second break and do Back Bends again in standing, this will help prevent your back from injury. Good Luck and Enjoy the snow, and be safe. Probably won't see this type of snow for another 10 years or more!! Hope you stop back soon.
We are currently still scheduled to start at 900AM to 7PM. Can't wait to get my butt up earlier to shovel out, get to work and help my patients and help my patients recover from their ailments!! Stay happy and healthy!

2/10/2010 7:50:48 PM
Michael Marino, PT, MSPT
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yeah, I think you're right the snow is heavy and wet out there, like Generic Viagra labs, but they don't use anything wet... so don't try to scoop up snow from the bottom all the way up, try to cut the snow in half! That's the best advice. 23jj
Posted by JoshLuther
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