Bringing Angels Into Your Life

by Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac

Angels come in all forms! From winged guardian, mysterious stranger, helpful nieghbor or benevolent animal to angelic guides and protectors. Angels come to us through dreams, in person, on a breeze or even through a strain of music. Angels find a way to appear, where they are needed most. Do you recognize them? As I was writing this, I started to truly realize just how often, an angel had interceded on my behalf, showed up during struggles in my life or even surrounding me in the form of statues, wall hangings and candles in my home! All it takes to notice their support is to become more aware of their presence.

Learning to work with Angels gives you the ability to connect with an
inexhaustible source of light and energy, which can be used to induce a healing effect. Anyone can gain access to this energy by means of an attunement process. (The process of becoming more aware and conscious).

Consider these suggestions for bringing angels into your life:

Raise your awareness

1. Life is in the present moment. How often are you physically doing something in the moment, yet your mind is already somewhere else.... three steps ahead of you... thinking about what you will say in your next meeting, what you will do after work or even what's for dinner? ...completely ignoring the present moment you are missing! Most of us don't undertake our thoughts in awareness. Rather, our thoughts control us. As biomedical scientist, Kabat-Zinn puts it, learning to "rest in stillness, that is - to stop doing and focus on just being in the moment." We need to live more in the moment. Living in the moment, also called mindfulness, is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present.

Raise awareness by raising your vibration

2. Mindfulness reduces stress, boosts immune functioning, reduces chronic pain, lowers blood pressure, and helps patients cope with dis-ease. By alleviating stress, spending a few minutes a day actively focusing on living in the moment reduces that risk of dis-ease. Vibrational medicine, which validates that everything in the Universe is in a state of vibration and the frequency at which an object or person most naturally vibrates is called resonance. Energy medicine is based on the idea that all illness or dis-ease is characterized by blockage in the channels on some level, either in the nadis, meridians, arteries, veins, or nerves. When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and therefore, it results in some kind of illness.

Engage the three D's

3. Often, we are distracted by the clutter around us. Either it is a home or office cluttered with debris, a body that you treat less like a temple and more like a garbage dump or your mind is bombarded with toxic beliefs or toxic people that simply do nothing but slowly poison you throughout your life!

Declutter your life. From your surroundings to your thoughts. A mind with clarity, is a mind free to function at its optimum level.

Detox the toxins. Raising the consciousness in order for you to be more in tune with your higher spiritual self, starts from the temple within. Clear the channels and create a healthier you. Remove the blockage in order for you to move through your life more freely.

Discard old beliefs. A belief system that serves us well, is a belief in
unlimited abundance, a deserving, humble nature with room to understand that, which serves the common good. Sometimes, it is necessary to reinvent our belief system and redefine our values so that we can see clearer and be able to achieve the fulfilling life that we desire.

Living in the moment helps you notice the presence of angels

4. By clearing out the road blocks in and around you, you are more able to be present and at your optimum for seeing an angel when they make themselves known. Your ability to be more receptive will be recognized. Your insight and awareness of your surroundings will be more open and inviting and your mind and its resources will be mentally available to honor and accept your angels with grace and humility.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit
12/5/2012 5:44:10 AM
Andrew Pacholyk
Written by Andrew Pacholyk
I specialize in hormonal balancing, endocrine and gynecological abnormalities, as well as, decreasing pain, trauma, gastrointestinal issues and their associated problems. I have obtained a Four-Year Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine (M.S.T.O.M.) degree from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Ne...
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Yes, Doctor, with grace & humility. Absolutely. Siempre.

People scoff, give you the "eye roll" (you know the one), when the subject of angels is in the dialogue. You need not "bring them into your life"; they have been assigned to each of us, while still in our mother's womb, and are a manifestation of the boundless love & mercy of The Great Spirit, God, Heavenly Father, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah.... to Whomever we address our prayers and look to for Divine Guidance. They are with us right now and always, until we transition.

I became aware of my two sometime during 2007. The experience was astonishing, profound. I was in an up/down relationship with a much younger man--a writer, poet, drug-addicted alcoholic Mama's Boy--a broken-winged bird, like me. I gave and did everything; he, not so much. I was in a state of emotional & spiritual starvation. I laid the grand banquet, but no place was set for me.

I was dangerously underweight, underslept, under-appreciated. I returned to the ranch one night, took care of all the animals, and him, of course. I stood beside the big bed, alone & lonely & exhausted. I don't know to this day what made me speak out loud to my angels (sheer desperation, I suspect), but their presence was more than mere feeling or intuition. I sensed their presence and, even more, their very real compassion. I felt their love.

"Please, PLEASE let me sleep tonight, without Ambien, Restoril. I need to still my body, quiet my mind and sleep. Dream, even. And while you're at it, can you please give me one of those great flying dreams? Been so long since I flew.... Thank you."

I pulled back the covers, had one knee on the bed. Before my head was on the pillow, I was FLYING !! Awake, not dreaming, I don't remember getting into bed. I was high in the sky, over the treetops, the buildings & streets & people smiling & waving. So exhilarating, and I couldn't freakin' believe it !! Then again, it seemed so natural, like I could make it happen any time I wanted, without asking. That they granted my request instantaneously showed not only how much they loved me, but how long they had waited to be acknowledged.

It was such a remarkable experience, and I have been graced with many more since then, particularly when my precious daughter was diagnosed with estrogen-fueled aggressive breast cancer three years ago (left breast, bilateral mastectomy +++, and chemo, too. Killed me over & over again the months she was subjected to four courses of chemo poisoning, which I knew in my heart was entirely unnecessary.). The Angels gave me such other-worldly affirmations the morning of Jen's surgery, after a long very long night of pacing, crying, praying.... these are another incredible story!

It was after the period of Jen's dis-ease that I looked into the rear-view mirror, and saw all the points on that timeline where they had interceded and, yes, absolutely saved me.

Our angels are here to serve and protect us, not only during the big "events" in our lives, but even the very smallest of our so-called trials. They were here for me during my move last
year from the high desert of far West Texas, near the Mexican border---w/ four rescue critters, three cats & a girl pit bull---to Lexington, Kentucky. Yes, I'm crazy! But I don't have to speak aloud to them any longer. I just sit quietly when I'm overwhelmed, and communicate telepathically, like when one of the kitties got out in the deep woods on the Kentucky River during days of torrential rains. All my searching, calling, mud-trudging along the river were in vain. I knew it was beyond my control to bring her safely back. Defeated, I sat inside, wet, miserable & feeling guilty, closed my eyes and took deep breaths, visualizing how her return should happen. An hour later Sally came to the door precisely the moment I opened it, and came in without struggle.

Our Angels are always standing by, wanting to help. They want to be asked. They want to be acknowledged. They want to be thanked.

And I thank you, Dr. Pacholyk, for your lovely article. My name is Sophie.
Posted by Sophie Marie
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